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AI for Teachers: Part One

If you haven't already noticed I'm a tech junkie. Once I heard about AI from Common back in 2019 in a Microsoft commercial my attention was centered. I went straight to Google and searched "What is AI?". According to my findings, and much to my surprise I and everyone

Black Teacher of The Future by Thee Busy Bee

else who owns a phone or computer has been using some form of artificial intelligence for the longest. Suggested text, voice text, live closed captions, the dreaded auto-correct, algorithms used on social networking sites, and so on are all examples of AI most people have used for years, we just never called it that. Now it has an official title that has as of 2023 become a household name.

Since its official naming, AI technology has catapulted, thank you Microsoft! I can remember being asked to think of inventions for the future, one I suggested almost every time I was asked

Baltimore Bully by Thee Busy Bee

was a homework completer. I saw a device that I could give directions to that would produce correct and completed assignments, in my handwriting and using my usual writing voice. As the years went by I added more functions to my homework-completing machine like voice activation, portability, and the ability to scan original documents (this was before the invention of scanners mind you). Finally, over 20 years later, Momma we made it! Now I'm using AI to check homework.

Cool Bunnee by Thee Busy Bee

In fact, I use various forms of artificial intelligence religiously and it has improved my productivity drastically. More so if I were able to find one that would take a set of data and create report card and IEP/504 comments. I'd also really appreciate one that could take an entire year's worth of curriculum, summarize it, create assignments, presentations, and a long-range and short-range planner. I know that's a lot, but think about the things we can do now with AI, then fast forward 2 years. I say it's doable. I say someone is probably working on that very assignment as I type. In addition to the more common examples of artificial intelligence, I use ChatGPT, Microsoft Image Creator, Grammarly, and Autodraw rather frequently to increase my overall productivity and enhance my teaching and my friend's learning experiences.

Below is a list of AI technology I use on a regular basis and how I use it.

AI Example

My Use


Checking written assignments, crafting and editing emails and letters, writing scripts for videos, giving me ideas about how my students may be thinking, summarizing long texts, creating questions based on texts, and writing code for science-related simulations and games I can use on Scratch, predicting anomalies and questions based on background data, and doing mundane tasks like a 4-year-old's Show and Tell Clues assignment

Microsoft Image Creator

Creating images I can use with my students that aren't licensed or copyright protected using very descriptive adjectives and specific nouns about whatever topic I want See above for a few examples I created with Microsoft Image Creator!!


Proofreading and revising emails and letters for clarity and tone, checking my grammar, and re-writing questions I've devised for my students.


Cleaning up drawings, graphics, and diagrams I've drawn digitally

- Thee Busy Bee

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